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Fall Colors and migratory birds at Yakona Nature Preserve

The fall colors will be at their peak! Join Yakona staff for a stroll in the crisp autumnal air while seeking out migratory birds. Bring binoculars to witness avian wonders in the many habitats we will explore, ranging from river wetlands to treetops. This moderate 3-3.5 mile hike is offered rain or shine, although heavy winds will cancel.

What you need to know:

Hike Difficulty: Moderate

This three-mile hike traverses mostly hilly terrain: those with mobility challenges, breathing difficulties, and balance problems will find this a difficult hike. Many long grades are 12%, and two short ones are nearly 20%.

Registration is required. Please include your full name(s), number in party, and mobile phone number in order to receive text updates in case we need to cancel or reschedule due to weather.

this hike is full. please register to be placed on our waiting list.

October 12

Group Hike

May 7

Redwood Exploration and Medicine Making