yakona learning center

Yakona's Creating Connections educational program provides K-12 and postsecondary students the opportunity to learn in nature through STEAM-based educational activities. We work in partnership with several school districts, the local community college, universities, and community partners to link curricular objectives to the land, with student activities reinforcing concepts and knowledge attainment at each grade level. The overarching goal is to restore and preserve native forests and wildlife while educating youth and the community about the importance of the Sitka spruce mixed forest ecosystem and its role in mitigating the climate crisis. Developing baseline data on forest conditions, wildlife inhabitants, and environmental quality is critical to our understanding of the impact of climate change on coastal forests.

Yakona centers “students as scientists” – all are actively engaged in place-based experiential learning through climate science monitoring and data collection. Elementary students participate in nature journaling while learning ecological concepts by playing games and participating in art activities. Middle school students collect and analyze numerous data points – temperature, water quality, invasive species, and phenology, to list a few. High school students engage in Yakona through an Environmental Studies field course, earning science credits while participating in community science, conducting research, and gaining employable skills. Postsecondary students explore environmental science as a career while tracking trends in animal migration, forest management, and water quality studies. Summer youth programs mirror these curricular pathways designed collaboratively and thematically tied to one of our community partners, the Oregon Sea Grant Program.

Learn how Creating Connections enhances students’ experiences by integrating visual arts with environmental science through HeART Connections.

Teaching students, youth, and families the importance of Oregon's native coastal forest while engaging them as scientists creates empowerment, responsibility, and opportunity for this and future generations, which is why Yakona exists. For more information or to schedule an educational visit, contact our Education Director, Anna Rodgers -Anna@yakonaoregon.org.

creating connections for the future

Creating Connections was the subject of a documentary produced by students overseen by NW Documentary. Learn more about why Yakona exists and how our educational program developed by watching this video.