Does Nature Have a Purpose? Exploring Our Relationship to the Land.
Join us for a community conversation about the role of nature in our lives. This conversation, presented in partnership with Oregon Humanities, is an opportunity to reflect on our ideas and experiences derived from our engagement with the natural world. We will explore our attitudes and assumptions about the purpose of the environment in our lives and consider how those attitudes and assumptions shape our perception of environmental issues and policies.
This conversation will be facilitated by Ruby McConnell. To learn more, visit her website at
This event will be the inaugural Conversations in Yakona. Our new program will host gatherings of community members led by a facilitator in discussions that are thought-provoking, inspire reflection, and nurture a deepened understanding of our place in the natural world. We invite you to join us for this first event and hope you’ll be on the lookout for upcoming Conversations in Yakona.
Registration required
Event is free; donations are welcome.
Carpooling will be necessary for the 2-mile drive into Yakona. Four-wheel drive is not needed, but be aware we'll be driving on logging roads, so decent ground clearance is recommended for passenger cars.